The “Kannur Squad” is a thrilling Malayalam action directed by Roby Varghese Raj. The film released on 28 September 2023 and star cast includes Mammootty, Kishore Kumar G, Vijayaraghavan, Azeez Nedumangad, Rony David Raj. Here we’re going to talk about the important parts of this movie includes the story/plot, release date, trailer, where to watch and the talented cast in it. Read our review to know more how movie is this.
Movie | Kannur Squad |
Language | Malayalam |
Screen | 2D |
Release Date | 28 September 2023 |
Star Cast | Mammootty, Kishore Kumar G, Vijayaraghavan, Azeez Nedumangad, Rony David Raj |
Country | India |
Genres | Action, Crime, Drama |
Director | Roby Varghese Raj |
Producer | Mammootty |
Cinematographer | Muhammed Rahil |
Music | Sushin Shyam |
Editor | Praveen Prabhakar |
Production Company | Mammootty Kampany |
Distributed by | Wayfarer Films, Truth Global Films |
The center of Kannur Squad is George Martin (Mammootty) who is an unorthodox investigator who is known for his method of the creation of his team of skilled officers to solve crimes by together unconventional strategies. As a team, these agents uncover the web of conspiracy and corruption that extends beyond the realm of society to their investigation.
This film not only demonstrates the difficulties a group of law enforcement officers faces when protecting the law in a region that is unstable and also explores the personal as well as competent challenges when they sacrifice their lives to safeguard the citizens of their country. While on their journey, they confront numerous obstacles, like threats from criminals and interference from politicians that hinder their mission from being successful.
The cast of Kannur Squad movie are not big but full of talented actors. You see new faces, and they all do a great job. Every character feels real, which makes the story even better. With all these talented people in the movie, it’s no wonder Varshal is going to be a big success. The cast delivers solid performances, with standing out in their roles.
Through their unwavering commitment to justice Kannur Squad members slowly expose the truth about the crimes they commit, while relentlessly seeking out those responsible for illegal actions and bringing them to justice. “Kannur Squad” illustrates the importance of teamwork, determination and unwavering integrity when confronting the challenges face-to-face.
In conclusion, Kannur Squad is a cinematic masterpiece movie with great story, talented cast, and good direction with visuals. This film shows how good movies can be done by Roby Varghese Raj with help of editor and producer. Whether you like action, drama, or just a good story, this movie brings something new for you. Don’t miss out on seeing it! The film earns a average rating of 2.75 out of 5 stars.
Related FAQs
What is the released date of Kannur Squad movie ?
Kannur Squad movie was released in theaters on 28 September 2023
Who is the Director of Kannur Squad?
Roby Varghese Raj
Who are the actors in Kannur Squad?
Mammootty, Kishore Kumar G, Vijayaraghavan, Azeez Nedumangad, Rony David Raj